Therefore, even though you have your website place under network uptime you might be 100% safe. In Shared Web Hosting, nearly all uptime is under this network uptime category and in the industry today, the standard uptime provided is 99.9%. So, to have you website kept being in uptime all the time, it is going to cost a bit because companies will charge you for this reliable service.

Some web sites which are being hosted by cheap web site host providers are usually prone to down time. A reflection on the kind of services which cheap web hosting plans are known about. But, then again, this does not apply to all; there are still some cheap web hosting out there that are mindful to their clients' needs and concerns. One should also see in a wider perspective that if your server frequently crashes down, there is a tendency to lose your clients.
This is why I prefer Affordable Web Hosting plans. They give you more control of your website. If your site doesn't generate traffic right away you will not have to worry about having your web hosting service cancelled with no warning. You will also be given more tools to help grow your website and make your site more user friendly. Reliability is also something you get with paid hosting. They want to keep you as a customer so they will do more to keep you satisfied. Free web hosting can be crappy on purpose in hopes that you will upgrade to the paid service so you might as well get an affordable web hosting plan that fits your needs.
Additionally you need to look at the features that you are expecting with hosting plan. You can find many reliable hosting companies offer cheap rate shared-hosting packages. This is best hosting package normally for newbies and for any non-commercial websites. In shared hosting you can host multiple domains under one account in a Linux shared hosting plan but if you choose windows based shared hosting package then there is limit. This is the best way for newbies to build their internet business.
Get into Shared Web Hosting UK 2.0 (aka Social Networking)! Start a blog (you are reading an example), post a video on YouTube, set up a company page on Facebook, post press releases online, write and post articles about your area of expertise...The possibilities are growing all the time and the more work you put in the better the results you will achieve. Don't forget to link everything back to your site!!
There are hundreds and hundreds of web hosting companies available, choose the one that fits your specific needs first. Whether its server space or bells or whistles, every hosting company offers a little something different. Figure out your needs first then go forth.
To close this simple overview let me make it clear to you that getting the fairest hosting service is not a thing of concern. Find a polite and user friendly web hosting service and ask them to guide you in setting up an inexpensive hosting account. We all start one way and inexpensive hosting is the modest choice if you want to get started on the internet.